I am so so so so confused wip my life lately....felt so stressed out mentally.....
been very unlucky for the past 6months or so....been into the hospital twice...once when the dumbo shower glass door shattered into pieces and another for dengue fever....
also got into an accident few days ago while fetching my bro.....dumbass motorcyclist....=.=''''...luckily nothing serious happened lah...but my car has to go for an overhaul and overall paint job...=.=''''
felt so stressed in my current relationship too....i feel MARRIED!!!!!shit....this is so not good....what should i do???
I miss the times when i can go out without worrying a thing....without having to report later on....
Everytime i go out with the gals or frenz...i will surely have to see a face that got struck by a pile of dog pooopooo....
Sometimes i felt like he just doesnt really care of my well being...i feel that he is selfish at times....everytime we get into a fight....he alwiz will argue that he is right and everything i do is wrong!even every word i say is wrong...diu...!
What is wrong with me having my own private time and my own friends?
I know i have bad short term memory....but do u think that its what i wanted?he alwiz says that i put my frens 1st before him....(duh...who is the ppl who make you happy when ur down during a breakup?of coz are the friends la...takkan the bf?)
Dumbass mood is making me so moodless for studying for exam on teusday n wednesday...=.='''
I really dont know what to do....
I feel like breaking up with him...but everytime he has problems with his heart...then i will feel sorry for him...and i am afraid that my decision will make his heart problems worsen....=.=''''
Please tell me what i should do?I am really really confused...and stressed out....