Yassir:OMFG....get this GIANT HAGRID look-a-like off me!!!!
Jaspreet:See my muscle man!!!(padahal wanna show off to a certain someone that he has muscles)
Yassir:I'm cool yoo~
Adrien:OMG OMG....dont kill me.....
Seeeee~~we eat ice kacang....adrien wip not so ahbeng face....
Adrien with super ahbeng face+pose.......i cant stop laughing from what he did....lolz
2big head....strawberry n longan....
Our hand made icekacang~~~~adrien's one super tasteless...syshiaau's super corny....lizi's also kinda tasteless....nadia's i didnt try....
Eat ice kacang pic again~~~y my face so red har?
Group pic~~~~
Woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.....so bulu-ish....
Uh...y same pose one???!
Our BBQ pot...with fishes swimming around...~
What the....y this looks so gay?
Woooooooooooooooh oh oh~~~~
Pheeeeewit~~~~aiya~nonit comment many many la...the picture shows all~~
Soooo evil.....both also so evil....memang sepadan....birds of a feather flock together...
Hoo0o0 more scandals...
Eleh eleh....fake fake get away....
See...now so near pulak.....aiyoyoy....no eye see man....
Wah~~~~~~~P.D.A. summore......faint....
Taken by noobie/useless/hopeless/ahbeng/banana adrien~
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamseeeeeeeeeeeeng 2!
Hohoho~taken by super pro me~~~
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeng 3~
Waaaaalaaaaao.....peace again~
What am I doing?!
Where are we looking at ar?
Galz of our class~~~
Y siham keep making the sulky face....=.=''''
Come la come la...friends again....woaaaah....1st time yassir pose wip the peace sign....too much peace signs around....
Super blur ah beng face....
Jaspreet:Muahaahaha(evil laughter)
Jaspreet:Come la sayang..dont cry dont cry....i kiss kiss....
(Actual fact : Adrien's pimple popped...=.=''''grossss...)
Jaspreet:Hey man!(acting cool...pukes)
Adrien:I gotta run!!!
Adrien:Yeah~~i've escaped~~
Jaspreet:Huh...u like this la....hmmph!dowan friend u already....hmmph!!!(super sissy sound...)
Fulamak....super gay titanic!!!!
Me n lizi....camwhoring in the LRT....lolz...
Me n lizi...not camwhoring...taken by adrien in the LRT...
Class pic~~~in LRT...lolz...
Jaspreet too fat...block everyone bhind him....
I think yassir can be the next super top model.....see the pose....walao....so....walao.....
Crazie class doing crazie stuff at crazie places....=.=''''
Yassir:We r kungfu fighters~~~hiak!!!!(the song....from where i forgot)
Lepak-ing....hahaha....after laughing like crazie....
aik?? y to be updated?? when are u gonna put up the pics??
cOZ LIzi havent sent me her pictures~~
sorry ya..
i'll send it to u soon...
nice memory ya..
wat means by chinese zombie??
wei lin!!! i'm super pink....
dat day was fun... *results or no results.. still fun :P*
n... do u realise that dat was also kinda our last day together wif everyone before yassir left??
(well.. almost everyone..)
Yes...haih...the memories...
Chinese zombie = jiang1 si1....i know la...the movie...pucat pucat 1...toing toing toing hop around 1...Lolz
Waah WeiLin aaa....
Why u always ejek me one? Sometimes fat sometimes evil sometimes PDA all ah?
Haish... Yassir aah, damn chow cibai one... Go leave me... *sniff sniff... No more Gay Partner for me... :'(
Hey awesome day that... But i bet it can be sorta like deja'vu next thursday coz LIZZIES BDAY! Can call her Po-Po ady o not? ;P
LOL! Toing-Toing Po-Po... Muaahahahahahahahaha!
u'r so bad..
cannot cal me po po la..
coz u'r older than me !!!
suddenly feel lik very miss yassir la..
next thursday he can come out or not ??
WOI dun la like that all...
Joks sikit pun mau ambil hati ke? ;-?
Besides ure waaaay to cute to be a Po-Po anywys.. ;P (nadia! dun kill me!)
as for yassir i will try n call the bugger. C wether i can force him to come or not... ;P
jas: dun kill u?? huh.. we'll c bout dat.. no more 'booster dose' for u!! :P
lizzie: wats po po? elder sister? aunty?? :P
po po means grandma..
u c la..
ur "fren" so bad..
keep on bully me..
juz kill him la..
he so bad...
sorry ya jas..
*sniff-sniff... no more booster dose? 8'S
Woi! Lizi! U kill ppl oso say sorry one ah?
C what u did now? *sigh...
Wei Lin! Help? Pls? See Lizi make Nadia angry with me ady... all becos of ur blog!
i'm angry at u!!
maybe i WILL just kill u..
but u owe me alot of things!! aiyaaa.. have to still keep u alive..
dun worry.. after dis he won't kacau u anymore :P
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